Tuesday 20 July 2010

Rupster says " About the New Experiance"

Holidays are almost half way gone! Sigh...so fast! This holidays did not really seem like a holiday!

Because, usually during the holidays. all that Rupster does is sit at home, be online the whole day, eat, sleep and at times go out. This time its none of the above. Rupster has been busy helping her father at the shop.

Well, they are lacking of worker. So Rupster is helping out. Feels very weird to actually work surrounded by about 13 foreigners! Its very very tiring to stand all day long. With the existing leg pain plus with the whole day standing makes it worst!

Thus, the day literally end by 11.30 p.m these days. We come to the shop at about 9.30 am and be back home by earliest 8.15pm. Its been very tiring because at times its a continuous 7 days job. At times just ponteng la..hehe....But it has been a good past time. Since everyone has started their working carrier and been busy, this is one of the best chance to past time and at the same time learn new things everyday.

Its been a really good kerning experience. Well, the place is divided in to two sections. The section downstairs is the Tailor shop and the one above is the factory. When parents were away in India, we were focusing on the down business as there was someone else in charge of the factory. So we kind of learned a lot during that period. It was different experience by itself to speak and persuade customers! Ever since parents came back, Rupster has been mostly upstairs. At times, Rupster is sometimes half up and half down!

Don't ask how but it happens. Usually when there is no one to be in charge of of the downstairs. So yea basically for now holidays are being spent as such. So far Rupster only reached Penang and the usual weekend outings. Hopefully there is another escape soon before the "hell" semester starts again in early August!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like to exchange links with your site theworldofrupster.blogspot.com
Is this possible?