ACTUALLY said that "Rupi is finally back with us"..Well to that person keep your fingers crossedlah coz i really hope that i am back to myself..I think it is also because whatever i had in mind all this while had been said out.Threfore,my mind is FREE from atleast 1 problem (you see,told you thatwhen u have problem settle it fast coz it really make

So,i really hope that next time i can TRY my level best to settle whatever is running in my head and dont drag it for very long.I always find it very relief when i i settle my problems fast but the thing is,sometimes i am just so LOST that i dont know how am i suppose to deal with a problem.I always help people to deal with thier problems but why when it comes to me i cannot help myself?? Or is it just me that i cant help myself due to low of confidence??
Ohh by the way today they had this event launch by the Foundation Students.So Mr.Kumar allowed us to leave early to go for the launch since Ms.Catherine supported our event..When we got to the Annxee the event had already started..So we sat there for awhile lah as this stupid man was talking(he was funny though with all the stories he had).Than during lunch we were planing to go for class late coz some of them were taking part in some of the games organised.Suddenly Ms.Catherin came and we told her that we will be late for class coz we had registered toplay the games.Guess WHAT she said??? "Ohh dont worry,all of you can take part in all the games". So we asked what does that mean? And the reply was "you all dont have to come for class but make sure i see your faces there!!" We were ALL actually jumping in JOY right in front of her!!So we actually went for the games sessionslah..There was Fear Factor.For the 1st round they had to eat wasabbi,cili padi all but between 2 bisciuts..Those who got to the secon round had to find 2 cards thats was in a basin of water.WATER here does not mean normal WATER..In the water,there was sotong,ikan kembong and prawns!! IMAGINE how smelly would it be????Than the 3rd round was to find a few letters that would form a word..And guess who won??? It was our very own RAWK Project Manager Kelly!! Today as very close friend Sugu ( since we were in Form 1) called me after like about 4 years!!! I was tottaly in a shock..Actually 1st she SMS me and than i replied asking who is that.Suddenly that very number called me and the momment i heard the voice i knew it was her!!!Before i heard her voice i had a small thing in my mind saying that it may be "that person" but thinking back would "that person" suddenly call me rather than just SMSing..Thank God i never told "that person's" namelah but manage to recognise Sugu's voice.
We were talking for some timelah and suddenly she said she saw Marry Anne!! How i wish i saw her as well coz i really miss her SMILEY face lah..Well when there is Marry Anne i was very sure what was coming next..She asked me how is "that person" ..Well all i could say is i think "that peson" is fine..Actually Sugu was 1 of the very 1st person that i told about "that person".So for surelah she would ask about it.Atleast i was able to answer herlah though she gave that "one kind of laugh"....So we finally decided that we should all meet up after a long time sometime very soon!! Now i am PROUD to say that i am now in CONTACT with everyone in that group picture FINALLY!!!
Signing Off At,
11.19 P.M
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