So thats how New Year went by..And in Gombak as well i found some really interesting news but shall not put it up here coz nothing is confirmed or finalized yet..but all i can say that the news found out could be sad lah..One is about someone rejected a wedding propsal and another is about someone that had miscarrige..Nothing is finallised so i shall find out everything in detail and put here when it is all CONFIRMED....but if whatever that i had heard on Saturday is TRUE its so really sad..coz i never expected someone so nice as that to go through that suffering..Both of them dont deserve everything had happen..I guess this is one of GOD's test for them lah..Hope they will always remain strong and maybe that is why they never told me anything bout the whole news coz they know that i wont be able to accept the whole thing..Saturday as well,we had some mid-night visitors to the house.(In the picture,u'll see my cousin Shalani and me)
My mom' sister came to visit my mom since she did not go to the hospital to see her.My cousin Shalini also came.She came back for New Year break from NS. So was talking to her about how was life there.She sounded happy but i told her there is more to come.Than Sunday was just another day and in the night we went for New Year visitting to uncle Kumar's house..
Today the day started of really well!!!I did not have Monday blues at allll...Well 1st of all when i woke up i checked my phone and saw there was a message..
The message was from Norman (see the picture of me & him) or better known as abg Man..He is my friend from Sarawak whom i can say that i was very close to..He was like a brother to me and thats why i call him "abang"..He actually messaged me after so long..

Coz last week was his b'day n isent him a message.So he replied to thank me for the message.Than in college pulak it was our forum @debate presentations. It went on really well and i think i did not screw up much for our grouplah.I was suppose to be someones "bf".So i had to change for that character.Than during lunch something really malufying happened!!!!!! Well this is what happend.If i am not mistaken i did say in the last post about this Mauritiouse guy i have been checking out ever since Semester 1. So today i was with Sha and Sunitha having lunch at the mamak.So this guy came and sat at the courtyard. I would say my position was facing the courtyardlah.So he came and sat there.So he sat there and was looking towards the mamak. Thank God i managed to look away when he was looking.But a few we actually accidently looked at each other at the same time. 1st i thought he tak realise but i found out something after his friend came. Both of them were talking and he looked at our table.Than he turned to look somewhere else and his friend try to show his"lakonan" skills by turning at looking at our table. That very momment i FOUND out that they already know that there is something wrong. After that,the 3 of us wanted to go to the lab.To go to the lab, we had to pass them so i decided not to turn and look but Sunitha pulak panadang!!!!!!Aiyoooooo i just felt like pulling her farrrrrrr away..Kalau she pandang he tak pandang tak pelah..Ini tak she pandang,that fella oso panadang and his friend this time another guy also pandang...Than Sha pulak cari mana they were sitting..It was so dame clear that one of were up to something.Thank god Stepph was sitting there and i ran towards her!! That's because i dunno what else to do already!!Other than that whole incident..everything went on very fine today..
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Thanks for writing this.
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