After a long time...Its finally come to the time for me to RELAX coz no more ASSIGNMENTS!!!It was all OFICIALLY finished last week so as the form of CELEBRATION i went shopping on Thursday!!Its been a long time since i wanted to go shopping and get myself some stuffs..So i went there with Nat after our so called "post-mortem" in college...At the 1st i did not want to go out actually coz i was not really feeling well. But i thought back if i come home i will make myself more SICK so i just went lah...We sampai there only terus went for lunch coz we were both was so DAME hungry!!! Then we had a REALLY good lunch and as well some good chit-chatting session...After lunch we walked around Mid Valley...Some stuffs did catch my eye but i did not buy them yet coz we decided to see around 1st and if we dont get anything better than we shall get back to the same place...Tired of walking we wanted some rest so we went for a second session of makan...As we were walking towards the food-court,Steffy called and said she had reached..So we waited for her and makan2 lah...Really had some good stories to talk about...For Steffy and Nat meeting for the 1st time, they really got along very well...A lot of stories were revealed in this very 1st meeting of them..Than after talking and talking we continued our shopping and this time i FINALLY bought what i had wanted to buy for a very long time...Spent a lot lah but as i was saying..never go shopping for so long....Than as we were about to go back suddenly we saw Jaski....Than we just stood in the middle of no-where and started talking....hehehehe..people would have thought that the 4 of us were CRAZY!! Than we finally lefy Mid Valley together..Just imagine going there with 2 people and going home with 4 people....And at the KTM oso we were like org gila there..Laughing and laughing ...Than got to Sentul station and dad sent Jaski back to her house...
Than Friday was whole day at my aunty's place and Saturday pulak we had so much people comming to our house for their New Year's visit and we have not even started ours yet!!

I dont know wat picture to put up today but i have this family picture taken manyyyy years back for my grandmother's b'dAy..As i was seeing it i was just thinking there are just too many addtion to the family with only one person that had passed away.Evryone looks so diferent today comapred to what they used to look like in that picture.... Oklah..that is it for today..i wanna go watch football and make sure Chelsea does not win the game!!
Signing of at,
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