Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Rupster says "About the trip to NASOM"

Thats how much we collected RM 18 000

I know i am not suppose to be blogging coz i was suppose to be in Morib...But due to poor attendednce for the trip we decided to CANCEL the whole trip!! Before starting about what happened today at NASOM i shall say something about what happened y'day 1st..Usuall Tuesdays is the most busy day of the week coz we have classes from 8 up to 3 with onli 1 hour break. Y'day was totally OPPOSITE..We only had one class that was CPM and itu pun was not really a class.It was just to discuss how we were goin to NASOM and discuss the futher details about the Morib trip as well.That where we found out that almost separuh of the class could not make it to Morib..So we just called-it-of..Thats when i SMSed Nat and asked her what she was doing since she was not working.Since she was VERY free so she came over to Bali for lunch. After lunch Nat,Sue and me left for Mid Valley coz we did not know what else to do.All of us wanted to see Jangan Pandang Belakang. As usual the KTM was delayedlah but thank God we manage to get there in TIME.The movie was at 3.15 and we reached there at 3.10.So we just got the tickets and terus went to into the cinema. The movie was suppose to be a GHOST movie.It was scary lah but some parts we were just laughing looking at other people's reaction in the cinema.Dont have to go that far.Sunitha alone was enough to make me laugh. There were a few screaming people in the cinema so Sue was not the ONLY screaming person there. Overal i will say that it was GOOD movielah but i was dissapointed with the ending.Was so engrossed on what was goin to happen next and SUDDENLY the movie finished!!! So i guess we just have to wait for the Part 2 lah.After the movie we went jalan2 around Mid Valley..I just cant beleive that we actually went back to Mid Valley again padahal we were just there last Friday!!!

We sure had to "pose" with the mock check!!

As for today, we had our moch check presentation at NASOM.Almost the whole class was there including Mr.Kumar.We left college at about 10.30 and only reach NASOM located in Titiwangsa at almost about 11.30!! It took us that long because Aiman took the wrong wasy.So had to wait for him. And than as usual there was always jam in KL.I our 1st stop before we left was Projet. That is where usually we all wait if we were going somewhere with many cars.While waiting for all the cars to reach we started our CAMWHOREing session!!We even tried to take pictures of all the cars that were following and Steffy actually recorded the racing session as well.Yeah we did have car racing kind of thingy!! So Steppy and i were telling Sha who was trying to overtake us and alleting her.It was kind off fun lah and plus with all noise we were making in the car...Than we reached NASOM and it was so DAME HOT!! Sampai sana pulak it was a bit kelam kabut lah coz the NASOM people did not know that the whole class was comming.Before the moch check presentations, the advisor of the school gave a short speech.They were happy that we actually choosed them to raise fund.She also said how amazed they were with all the publicity we got from the media. The were also happy for us because we manage to raise fund more than our target.Our target was RM 5000 but no thanks to our PD who told the reporters that we were raising RM 10 000.At the end of the day we collected 18 000. Than after the mock check presentations we took so many pictures.Every department took thier own pictures with the mock check!!Sampai my camera was so dame hot!! We left NASOM at about 12 something lah and dad picked me up from there.And later in the evening went jalan-jalan to Gomabak!!
That's all for today and ENJOY the pictures!!

The Publicity & Marketing Department

They said he is not authistic but he is slow..He was the most wanted for everyone's pictures!!

Our CAMOWHORE-ing session

The "posers" in 1 car

Trying to show the "GARANG"(tak jadi) face!!


Choo cheweeeet

Stepphy and i AGAIN!!

Signing of at,
1.32 a.m

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