Rupster is back from the silence...things are yet to be back as normal...but still,Rupster is still finding solutions to all those unaswered questions that has been running aroun all the while. With all those silence, Rupster still manage to keep busy....
Yeap, other than assignments and all due Rupster kept busy by going for Deepavali shopping with family. Rupster practically coverd all the shopping areas for Deepavali. Rupster marked attendence at KL Sentral, Klang, Masjid India and Sentul because Rupster passes by that place everyday!!!!. hahaha....
We don't have to the spending part but all that can be said is Rupster managed to get all together 4 suits for this year!!! The best part was....3 suits were all orange from different shades...Thus, accessories need not to be extra got it matched all 3!!! *that's what they say smart shopping* But the truth is Rupster did not even realize that the colours were all almost the same until it was unpacking time at home :)

The DoReMi that we take every year
Rupster's family tradition of the "Open House" continued this year. This year it was back to the small scale do ike how it used to be 4 years back. This year, it was back to only calling neighbours,friends and a few family members. Since it was back to a smaller crowd, so the cooking was all done at home. Marketing was done a day earlier and all the cutting and chopping too. Dont know why,but this year everything seemed to be last minute. The cleaning of the house, marketing and so on. Usually Rupster makes a timetable for everyone. This time nothing seemed to be working out!!At least everything went on smoothly on the day itself. There was no rush in entertaining the guests like it used to be. It was much more relaxing. Previous years, the crowd used to be very big and it was a bit kelam-kabut. Not this time.
Deepavali day itself was a tiring yet joyable day. It was all the way eating and pigging out day!!! Though all the houses had almost the same dishes, but it all tasted different.Not to forget,it was all so yummy!!!So how u resist on not eating??There fore, with the excuse of "Deepavali is only once a year" the food goes in happily.
Month Review
The month of OCTOBER???
So much has heppend and is still happening. Answers are still being searched but yet, life still goes on. Most of the assignements were due this month because final exams are in November!!!Thats how fast time has been runing. Rupster is almost done with Degree's 1st semester.
October also sees one of the best things a students life. That is when a student graduates. Rupster graduated from Diploma in this month. It was really unbeliaveable. After all the shits that happen it was a very relaving feeling to finally hold the sroll for the very first time. Thats the only the first step. Next Rupster has to work really hard to achieve the goals for Degree.

Yet, thankfully things are already improving. Hopefully by next month, its all going to be back as normal.Rupster also cant wait for November because its HOLIDAYS!!! Of course plans have been made. So keep coming back to see where and what Rupster is going to explore and has explored!!!