Rupster has been delaying this post for almost 4 weeks now...yeap you read it right! This post was suppose to be written 4 weeks back but due to time constrains it could not be done.
By now some of you would have known what this post is going to be about.
Its been 4 weeks since i joined school back after being on a break for almost 2 months. Rupster in no longer a Taylorian but is now a Metropolitanner. Rupster is in Metropolitan doing a Double Degree in Marketing and Management by Curtin University. It would be a 3 year programme with 6 semesters.
The environment in Taylor's was never like a campus because its was mostly based on office environment. Classrooms were like the same when like how how our tution centers used to be during school. Atleast Taylor's did have 3 Lecture Hall's. Of course the main campus was not like that. It was equipped with all the facilities. Our bad luck the School of Communication was located away from the main campus. On the brighter side, the Bali Campus had lots of variety of food!!! Untill we could not decide what we should eat
*sigh*miss those days*.
Well everything in this world has its own pros' and cons'.
Taylors Bali Campus now turns out to be past memories. Now the journey continues in Metropolitan and in the KTM train AGAIN!!!!.
Before the first week of class we had our rather short Orientation Day. The moment Rupster steps into the ecture hall the first WOW comes out!!!! And what is that WOW for??? The Lecture Hall is so dame huge!!! Capacity..hmmm may reach a 500 maybe!!! But this intake there were around 60 of us maybe and till TODAY not everyone knows each other but its IMPROVING day by day ;)
Classes has been goin as usual for the past 4 weeks and Rupster in enjoying all the lectures because of the Lecture Hall :)..Even tutorial classes are not so bif with apoximetly 20 students per class..So its not that bad after all.
Food selection is not as good as Bali though Asia Cafe is just down the road and even Metropolitan has thier own canteen food too. Have not been eating there that much and its just 4 weeks of collge and everyone is already teling "whoaa you lost so much weight"..Rupster has no comments for that just read further down and find out why.
Yeap..travelling all over again in the KTM but not much difference because its just 1 station away from the previouse station. Than from the staition its suppose to be a cabbie ride. The cabbes have fixed rate at either RM 3,4,5 or sumtimes even 6!!!!
*now you know where all my eating money goes to* *sigh*. There is suppose to be bus service but Rupster is yet to use the service neither saw which bust is suppose to be taken;)
Other than that Rupster has nothing much to cokmplain about the travelling issue minus the money part because travelling has always been a norm in the world of Rupster.
Rupster had planned to write so much but nothing seems to be comming out as this entry is being typed out!!
More update later!!!!!!!!!