Out of a very last minute planning, we finally made it a point to meet up today. It may have been a very short meet but i guess we all just needed that break since the most of us have been going through a very long roller-coaster ride.
Its been a while that everyone has been going through all those shits.And we did not really talk bout it every1 in the group but only to those that we really could feel comfortable with. Maybe one fine day would come that all of us sat together and spoke about it. As for now its currently on 1 to 1 basis.
Sometimes we sit and wonder why when 1 person starts getting themselves to hell, the rest will also end up in the same position. Hence leaving all those shits and craps aside, we decided to IGNORE all those for some time and have a blasting time!!!
The initial plans was only the 3 of us but ended up meeting with some extra people too. 1st destination was at Times Square (TS). That was our meeting point. As i was going up the escalator I came accross a very familiar face.Thank god I acknowledged the person and for once it was the correct person :)..Finally managed to get my Hazelnut White Coffee boost at Old Town White Coffee after a very long time. It really felt so good after that boost!!!
Than from TS we planned for bowling and of we went to our favorite spot MUTIARA!!! I wonder why, but this was the very first time we were making so much of noise!!! All these years of bowling, we do make so much of noise BUT todays was one of the greatest. Even the other bowlers kept turning and looking at us. The best part,everytime we scream, its so SYNCRONIZED!!!! We all end up scraming the same word and with the same sound system too!!!

The meet was very short, not much was shared but we had a blast of a time!!! Miss those days when we used to sit almost every week and laugh at each other like crazy people at the mamaks around Jalan Ipoh :(
Something for sure, the next meet will be ASAP because we all NEED to TALK!!!
Things needs to be spilted out as no point everything is just kept DEEP DOWN there and hurting evrything that could be hurt.
1 comment:
Hi rupi,
i've found ur blog when i was searching, u r 21yrs cancer zodiac, i'm 20yrs cancer too, we r nearly the same,
anyway nice topic u've written,, i like hunging out with my friends too, although we don't always do it.
Wish u joy with ur friends.
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