There goes the second month of the year and we moved on to the third month of the year...Like January, February was also filled with so much of activities...
If there's activities, than for sure it would had been full of fun.
It was basically another month like how January was.
February also marked the month were most of us were going back to school after a long break. Australian based universities resumed classes at the end of the month. Thus, Salveen too flew back to Aussie.

Like the first time, it was really hard to blend in Rupster that she was not going to be around for another few more months!!! Thank god there is technology today that enables us to keep in touch much easier...
Leaving the month update aside,
Rupster wonders why is it sometimes so hard to leave or walk away from things. Walking away is never a good option but sometimes some issues just need to be pusjed aside to overcome it. Is that why people these days get into smoking,drugs and aloholism to divert thier minds away?
But till this very day Rupster beleives that all those are never the right way to overcome stress. Its most probably psychological effect to them because they think by having those, problems will be pushed aside...
So why do people take that as an alternative to thier problems?
Though so much fun has happen in the last 2 months, Rupster has also been doing so much of thinking...
Things have been so complicated but Rupster has been depending on past memories to make sure that things are not so complicated. Thus, Rupster came to a decision to start moving on. The decison has been made but the implimantation of the decision has not been easy.
Rupster wonders how long would it take??? Till than what should be done???
Even though Rupster has decided to move on but those things are still so fresh in mind that sometimes makes Rupster wonder if the desion to move on is the right step or not.
On a brighter side, moving on would mean things will not be as weired as it has been for the past few weeks. Things will not get back to be like how it was at the very start but atleast it would not be as weired as it was.
The decision has also been said out and hopefully things will get back to normal like how it used to be. It may be hard but we got to work hard to getthings back straight again. Rupster knows that and relises somethings done may have hurt and touched the feelings but BELEIVE Rupster please that all the things done were not on purpose!!!
It was alll unintentionally done due to the situation and the complicated mind of Rupster. Apology has also been extended and will still be extended..Rupster is very very SORRY for what ever that has been said and done!!!
That desicion had to be made to get back things like how it used to be. It would be hard but there is no other choice that can be looked at. Though the move on desicion has been taken, thus Rupster needs to start working on the implemantation steps ASAP!!!
There is alwasy a regret at the end of the day for doin all those hurting words but the mind was to complicated that cased all that!!!
And the regret of behaving like that would always be deep down in the heart as a reminder on not to repeat those sarcasm ever again....
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