Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Ruspter says "about life"

If you are an ardent fan of the mass media, all that you have been reading for the past one month has been mainly about politics. And it never seems to be cooling down though the election has ended more than a month back. Leaving all those politic issues a side, I'm sure that everyone has been reading and watching about kidnap cases, murder cases and suicide cases.

Reading,watching and hearing about all this sometimes makes you think "has life become that easy to be taken off". It seems that the value of life is no longer appreciated by us humans. Why is this happening in this era when everyone is getting so hi-tech and advance. Is that what they get throughout their 15 to 16 years of education?

People these days claim to be so very well educated and look forward in holding high-ranks at work and in the society. But what do we actually get at the end of the day??

MONEY maybe?

Thinking bout money, yes it is agreeable that MONEY is way too important. Than again, chasing money will lead you to no where. You can have tons of houses, lands, cars and so on but what will you take along on the day you die?

You may be wondering why on earth am I crapping about all this. Well, the last 2 weeks I've been hearing stories of people committing suicide. Yeah,i knew these people who committed suicide or shall i say the person from one case only?

Well the first case was actually in the papers. About this man who killed his daughter and than
his sister. I think what was in the papers was not really true as that man's brother works at dad's place. So we actually got the whole story. To summarize the whole issue, why would someone want to kill his own daughter just because he was not happy with her going overseas? You claim to love your daughter so much that you don't want to further her studies?? People these days can be very shallow. You tried to kill your daughter and your sisters comes in as defense also ends up being the victim.Than you hang yourself. At the end? Your poor wife looses her one and only daughter she has.

Case number just happened a few days back actually. It involves my dad's very goof friend. I've known this uncle for a very long time. He only works as a drive at DBKL but he has everything that someone wants in life. All of a sudden he hangs himself to death. Dad said it may be due to depression. No one knows when he hanged himself as the family only managed to find him on Tuesday night. The last time they spoke to him was on Sunday evening. So he may would have hanged there for the past 2 days!!

He has always been great help to my family. His always willing to help dad no matter what. His always just a call away. As promised he will show up. As kids, my bro and i used to be so scared of him. Not only as kids, but till this very day if we know he is coming or he just shows up at home we would FREAK out!!!His voice alone is enough to scare us up.

But TODAY I wonder, what actually made him take his life like that?

So these are among the cases that I've been hearing for the past 2 weeks and that made me wonder that life has became very invaluable to some people. I only know of this cases because of dad. Reading the papers everyday shows you even more cases. Maybe the English does not cover that much but the Tamil dailies really have way too many cases!

Anyway,if these these people decide to end their life than its their wish. But i only wished that they actually would have given a thought about the people surrounding them.

Whatever is it, may them REST IN PEACE and find what the want in that "world"

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