Its is unofficially DONE!!!!
Yeah..exams are unofficially done *unofficially because got 1 more paper to go next week* but nothing much to study for that. Thus, i have officially started bumming around the house. In front
of the TV and the laptop. This entry is being done from my aunty's place thanks to my brother who for once borrowed me his "property". Yeah I'm currently using the MAXIS Broadband. Its not too been to bad so far. Good enough for me to kill my time.
There is way too many things to be done as exams are all done. But as usual I'm too lazy to get things started. Lets see if after the final paper I'll be able to start on anything or not. Meanwhile, i am sitting and checking out Facebook and also Friendster. Well what else do you do when you have nothing else to do at home. Right?
I don't think it is also a waste of time because I've been able to track down some long lost friends and also some relatives. Other than that I've have also been assigned to find some interesting place to go for a holiday next week!
So i got to go back to WORK now.
More updates sooon!!!
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Ruspter says "about life"
If you are an ardent fan of the mass media, all that you have been reading for the past one month has been mainly about politics. And it never seems to be cooling down though the election has ended more than a month back. Leaving all those politic issues a side, I'm sure that everyone has been reading and watching about kidnap cases, murder cases and suicide cases.
Reading,watching and hearing about all this sometimes makes you think "has life become that easy to be taken off". It seems that the value of life is no longer appreciated by us humans. Why is this happening in this era when everyone is getting so hi-tech and advance. Is that what they get throughout their 15 to 16 years of education?
People these days claim to be so very well educated and look forward in holding high-ranks at work and in the society. But what do we actually get at the end of the day??
MONEY maybe?
Thinking bout money, yes it is agreeable that MONEY is way too important. Than again, chasing money will lead you to no where. You can have tons of houses, lands, cars and so on but what will you take along on the day you die?
You may be wondering why on earth am I crapping about all this. Well, the last 2 weeks I've been hearing stories of people committing suicide. Yeah,i knew these people who committed suicide or shall i say the person from one case only?
Well the first case was actually in the papers. About this man who killed his daughter and than
his sister. I think what was in the papers was not really true as that man's brother works at dad's place. So we actually got the whole story. To summarize the whole issue, why would someone want to kill his own daughter just because he was not happy with her going overseas? You claim to love your daughter so much that you don't want to further her studies?? People these days can be very shallow. You tried to kill your daughter and your sisters comes in as defense also ends up being the victim.Than you hang yourself. At the end? Your poor wife looses her one and only daughter she has.
Case number just happened a few days back actually. It involves my dad's very goof friend. I've known this uncle for a very long time. He only works as a drive at DBKL but he has everything that someone wants in life. All of a sudden he hangs himself to death. Dad said it may be due to depression. No one knows when he hanged himself as the family only managed to find him on Tuesday night. The last time they spoke to him was on Sunday evening. So he may would have hanged there for the past 2 days!!
He has always been great help to my family. His always willing to help dad no matter what. His always just a call away. As promised he will show up. As kids, my bro and i used to be so scared of him. Not only as kids, but till this very day if we know he is coming or he just shows up at home we would FREAK out!!!His voice alone is enough to scare us up.
But TODAY I wonder, what actually made him take his life like that?
So these are among the cases that I've been hearing for the past 2 weeks and that made me wonder that life has became very invaluable to some people. I only know of this cases because of dad. Reading the papers everyday shows you even more cases. Maybe the English does not cover that much but the Tamil dailies really have way too many cases!
Anyway,if these these people decide to end their life than its their wish. But i only wished that they actually would have given a thought about the people surrounding them.
Whatever is it, may them REST IN PEACE and find what the want in that "world"
Reading,watching and hearing about all this sometimes makes you think "has life become that easy to be taken off". It seems that the value of life is no longer appreciated by us humans. Why is this happening in this era when everyone is getting so hi-tech and advance. Is that what they get throughout their 15 to 16 years of education?
People these days claim to be so very well educated and look forward in holding high-ranks at work and in the society. But what do we actually get at the end of the day??
MONEY maybe?
Thinking bout money, yes it is agreeable that MONEY is way too important. Than again, chasing money will lead you to no where. You can have tons of houses, lands, cars and so on but what will you take along on the day you die?
You may be wondering why on earth am I crapping about all this. Well, the last 2 weeks I've been hearing stories of people committing suicide. Yeah,i knew these people who committed suicide or shall i say the person from one case only?
Well the first case was actually in the papers. About this man who killed his daughter and than
his sister. I think what was in the papers was not really true as that man's brother works at dad's place. So we actually got the whole story. To summarize the whole issue, why would someone want to kill his own daughter just because he was not happy with her going overseas? You claim to love your daughter so much that you don't want to further her studies?? People these days can be very shallow. You tried to kill your daughter and your sisters comes in as defense also ends up being the victim.Than you hang yourself. At the end? Your poor wife looses her one and only daughter she has.
Case number just happened a few days back actually. It involves my dad's very goof friend. I've known this uncle for a very long time. He only works as a drive at DBKL but he has everything that someone wants in life. All of a sudden he hangs himself to death. Dad said it may be due to depression. No one knows when he hanged himself as the family only managed to find him on Tuesday night. The last time they spoke to him was on Sunday evening. So he may would have hanged there for the past 2 days!!
He has always been great help to my family. His always willing to help dad no matter what. His always just a call away. As promised he will show up. As kids, my bro and i used to be so scared of him. Not only as kids, but till this very day if we know he is coming or he just shows up at home we would FREAK out!!!His voice alone is enough to scare us up.
But TODAY I wonder, what actually made him take his life like that?
So these are among the cases that I've been hearing for the past 2 weeks and that made me wonder that life has became very invaluable to some people. I only know of this cases because of dad. Reading the papers everyday shows you even more cases. Maybe the English does not cover that much but the Tamil dailies really have way too many cases!
Anyway,if these these people decide to end their life than its their wish. But i only wished that they actually would have given a thought about the people surrounding them.
Whatever is it, may them REST IN PEACE and find what the want in that "world"
Monday, 21 April 2008
Rupster says "about holidays"
Yea..i know i am suppose to be studying but i decided to get a break since i was already studying for almost the whole day!!!
Yup you read it right!!! I actually FINALLY started to study. Thank God the lecturers were kind enough and really narrowed down on the areas that should be covered for exam. I think that was the drive for me to start studying early!!!
As i just came online earlier, Sal buzzes me and asks if was free on the 3rd to the 5th. So i replied saying no because my last paper is only on the 5th. When i asked her WHY...than she drops the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!
Apparently she has some vouchers to Pahang and Perak and its near the beach. The place name is Damai Laut. The converstaion was something like this:
Rupster : oh shit my last paper is on the 5th.
Sal : Oh noooo
Rupster:When does the offer end?
Sal : Somewhere around the 25th but i wont be.
Rupster: Than we can go right after my last paper than.5th is a Monday.
Sal: Than that shloud be a great idea. Think of some people to pull along.
Rupster: Ok i'll call Chuman and my cousin. Is Thuls free that time?
Sal: No Thuls not free. So you ask Chuman and Prem.Full details will be given later. Just confirm if they ok with the dates.
Rupster: Ok boss!!
*that the summary of the conversation we had*
So than i proceeded asking the other 2 and both gave a immediate OK
Hopefully everything will turn out to be as planned. *wait for the updates in the next entry*
I have been happily agreeing to a few holidays for this coming break and NOW i wonder where am i going to get the money from???? *sighs*
But anyway, these are the places that i may be going very soon!!
DESTINATION 1 : Kuantan or Perak *to be confirmed in the next entry*
Yeah this is our latest edition to my Cuti-cuti Malaysia for this year. Though the group may not be as big as the Pangkor trip, but i still think there will be lots of FUN!!
DESTINATION 2: Cameron Highlands
A Kandiah family getaway.And we will be sipping tea, picking strawberries and sniffing flowers all weekend.Also a birthday to be celebrated :)
DESTINATION 3 : Redang Island
This will also be a family getaway BUT this time the cousins get away. Rather we call it the DoReMi trip. This trip is to celebrate the end of my Diploma, Shal's foundation studies and Prem's first year as a post -grad student. As Prem said "Small team we may be but beware we've got the highest frequency when put together!"
Tune in SOON for the confirmed updates!!
Yup you read it right!!! I actually FINALLY started to study. Thank God the lecturers were kind enough and really narrowed down on the areas that should be covered for exam. I think that was the drive for me to start studying early!!!
As i just came online earlier, Sal buzzes me and asks if was free on the 3rd to the 5th. So i replied saying no because my last paper is only on the 5th. When i asked her WHY...than she drops the BOMB!!!!!!!!!!
Apparently she has some vouchers to Pahang and Perak and its near the beach. The place name is Damai Laut. The converstaion was something like this:
Rupster : oh shit my last paper is on the 5th.
Sal : Oh noooo
Rupster:When does the offer end?
Sal : Somewhere around the 25th but i wont be.
Rupster: Than we can go right after my last paper than.5th is a Monday.
Sal: Than that shloud be a great idea. Think of some people to pull along.
Rupster: Ok i'll call Chuman and my cousin. Is Thuls free that time?
Sal: No Thuls not free. So you ask Chuman and Prem.Full details will be given later. Just confirm if they ok with the dates.
Rupster: Ok boss!!
*that the summary of the conversation we had*
So than i proceeded asking the other 2 and both gave a immediate OK
Hopefully everything will turn out to be as planned. *wait for the updates in the next entry*
I have been happily agreeing to a few holidays for this coming break and NOW i wonder where am i going to get the money from???? *sighs*
But anyway, these are the places that i may be going very soon!!
DESTINATION 1 : Kuantan or Perak *to be confirmed in the next entry*

DESTINATION 2: Cameron Highlands

DESTINATION 3 : Redang Island

Tune in SOON for the confirmed updates!!
Friday, 18 April 2008
Rupster says "About the last day"
We officially bid farewell today to classes for this final semester. It was only one class though but we still made sure we attended it. We knew we were not going to learn anything much but we still said that we had to go because it was THE LAST DAY. Knowing it was the last day, as usual we all started cam-whoring in the lab itself.
After class we left college and went out for lunch. Came all the way from PJ to KL near the Masjid Negara to eat some delicious Ikan Bakar!! Yeah i know I've been eating too much of Ikan Bakar this week!!! Sadly though, we did not manage to get any pictures because the moment we saw the food, we forgot about the world. It was only 11.30 and the stall was already FULL.
This Ikan Bakar place is known as Tang Ling. Other than Ikan Bakar we also ordered Sotong Bakar.And was too delicious!!! The sauce is not to spicy but i think its just nice. Other than the Sotong and Ikan Bakar, we also ordered a Nasi Lemak each. This Nasi Lemak is also said to be among the very famous ones in town. What ever is it, the food was great and was worth traveling all the way from PJ.
Than from there, we headed over to Sungei Wang for a while to get some stuffs. We were the for a very short time though and later and took the Monorail back.
Well,thats how the last day of class and college was celebrated!!!
Now its STUDYING time!!!
More updates SOON!!!
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Rupster says "About my new "toys" "
P/S For details of the title keep on reading this entry.
Life has really been hectic as the semester is ending.Never in the whole Diploma Programme we actually had to hand-in our assignment at the last week. But it FINALLY happened in this last semester. But thank God it was a group assignment for IDTP. Though it was a very2 last minute thinggy but we managed to finish it on time yesterday.
It was also the first time in this whole Diploma that i actually left college late. Though class finished at 5 we onli managed to finish our work later and so we only left at 7. Just before i was to leave college, Sal calls and asks if i was free to go out. Since she said we were only meeting at 7.30 so she decided to pick me up straight from the Sentul KTM station. So i called and informed dad that i will be back late. The 1st thing he asked me was where is the ........ (read till the end of the entry) and take care of it!!
From the station we went to pick Thuls up and headed to Hartamas for dinner. Since we decided for Thai so we went to Hartamas Square. I have always been going to Hartamas with Sal many times but yesterday was the first time we went to Hartamas Square which is like a food court. Some how rather i decided to be a PIG and ordered sooo much!!!! Among the food i ordered was ikan bakar.fried glass me noddles and we also added on satay. Other than that there was also pancake with ice- cream, rojak buah and tauhu bakar (yea..what PIG i am right?) Did not manage to get all the foods pictures but at least something than nothing.I only reached home at 10.45 since leaving home at 6.45 in the morning of class.
This final semester has also brought us a lot to Pyramid. This is because of our timetable that allows us to lepak for a very long time. And so that is where we head to. SUNWAY PYRAMID. We never used to go there but this semester has really took us a lot there especially to go have lunch there. I should really comment on the Curry Mee at the Old Town Kopitiam there. I don't know about the other outlets, but this ones Curry Mee is so dame DELICIOUS that it made us go back the re again the following week. So these are some of the pictures that we managed to capture at the kopitiam.
As we all know that the PC Fair just held last week. And i was already looking forward to it for a very long time because i have been looking for a MP 3 Player. So i made sure that this time i was not missing the fair and it would also be my first time going to the PC Fair.
So i planned with Geetha and we decided to meet up at KLCC last Friday after class.Than after lunch we walked up to the convention center. OUR aim was to buy a MP 3.So we walked and walled looking for the best deal. And we finally up getting a i finally got a MP4 rather than a MP3...So from that day onwards it became my good friend.
Than came Sunday when my brother asked why i never thought of getting laptop. The fact is i did but just never voiced out. SO than we decided to give a word to dad and try my luck. It was the Tamil New Year and i think luck was really shinning.
Thats my new Notebook!!!!!
Don't ask how but we actually managed to brainwash dad all in just a DAY!!! Though it was not easy but my brother n me manged to do it in a really good TEAMWORK :)
Now that i already own the whole Notebook to myself, it depends on me now on how am i going to take good care of it. Being the usual me, i an sure i will be able to look after it very well. Talking bout taking good care, i can still hear in ears on what my dad was saying yesterday morning in the car as he was sending me to the station.He went on and on about taking good care of the Notebook since it was my first day taking it to college. But i am sure this Notebook will be fine and i will do my level best to take good care of it!!!
So now this is my other new toy my Notebook.
Ohh by the way did i mention that it also comes with a built-in camera??? looks like i know own many gadgets!!!
Started with
1. Computer
2. Hand phone
3. Disc man
4. Digital Camera
5. MP4
6. Notebook (where this entry is being typed from)
For now i am happy with all i have and better start concentrating for the FINALS now!!!
More updates SOON!!!
Life has really been hectic as the semester is ending.Never in the whole Diploma Programme we actually had to hand-in our assignment at the last week. But it FINALLY happened in this last semester. But thank God it was a group assignment for IDTP. Though it was a very2 last minute thinggy but we managed to finish it on time yesterday.
It was also the first time in this whole Diploma that i actually left college late. Though class finished at 5 we onli managed to finish our work later and so we only left at 7. Just before i was to leave college, Sal calls and asks if i was free to go out. Since she said we were only meeting at 7.30 so she decided to pick me up straight from the Sentul KTM station. So i called and informed dad that i will be back late. The 1st thing he asked me was where is the ........ (read till the end of the entry) and take care of it!!
From the station we went to pick Thuls up and headed to Hartamas for dinner. Since we decided for Thai so we went to Hartamas Square. I have always been going to Hartamas with Sal many times but yesterday was the first time we went to Hartamas Square which is like a food court. Some how rather i decided to be a PIG and ordered sooo much!!!! Among the food i ordered was ikan bakar.fried glass me noddles and we also added on satay. Other than that there was also pancake with ice- cream, rojak buah and tauhu bakar (yea..what PIG i am right?) Did not manage to get all the foods pictures but at least something than nothing.I only reached home at 10.45 since leaving home at 6.45 in the morning of class.
This final semester has also brought us a lot to Pyramid. This is because of our timetable that allows us to lepak for a very long time. And so that is where we head to. SUNWAY PYRAMID. We never used to go there but this semester has really took us a lot there especially to go have lunch there. I should really comment on the Curry Mee at the Old Town Kopitiam there. I don't know about the other outlets, but this ones Curry Mee is so dame DELICIOUS that it made us go back the re again the following week. So these are some of the pictures that we managed to capture at the kopitiam.
As we all know that the PC Fair just held last week. And i was already looking forward to it for a very long time because i have been looking for a MP 3 Player. So i made sure that this time i was not missing the fair and it would also be my first time going to the PC Fair.
So i planned with Geetha and we decided to meet up at KLCC last Friday after class.Than after lunch we walked up to the convention center. OUR aim was to buy a MP 3.So we walked and walled looking for the best deal. And we finally up getting a i finally got a MP4 rather than a MP3...So from that day onwards it became my good friend.
Than came Sunday when my brother asked why i never thought of getting laptop. The fact is i did but just never voiced out. SO than we decided to give a word to dad and try my luck. It was the Tamil New Year and i think luck was really shinning.

Don't ask how but we actually managed to brainwash dad all in just a DAY!!! Though it was not easy but my brother n me manged to do it in a really good TEAMWORK :)
Now that i already own the whole Notebook to myself, it depends on me now on how am i going to take good care of it. Being the usual me, i an sure i will be able to look after it very well. Talking bout taking good care, i can still hear in ears on what my dad was saying yesterday morning in the car as he was sending me to the station.He went on and on about taking good care of the Notebook since it was my first day taking it to college. But i am sure this Notebook will be fine and i will do my level best to take good care of it!!!
So now this is my other new toy my Notebook. looks like i know own many gadgets!!!
Started with
1. Computer
2. Hand phone
3. Disc man
4. Digital Camera
5. MP4
6. Notebook (where this entry is being typed from)
For now i am happy with all i have and better start concentrating for the FINALS now!!!
More updates SOON!!!
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Rupster says " About LIFE"
Life is a series of sensation,
It comes and goes just like nothing,
Life is pleasant.
To have a friend close at hand,
To listen and understand,
To gently dry your tears.
Life can go thick and thin,
It can make us sad and happy,
Sometimes angry and
Sometimes anxious.
Life is powerful and meaningful,
Enjoy every second of your life,
Enjoy it as long as you can enjoy it.
It comes and goes just like nothing,
Life is pleasant.
To have a friend close at hand,
To listen and understand,
To gently dry your tears.
Life can go thick and thin,
It can make us sad and happy,
Sometimes angry and
Sometimes anxious.
Life is powerful and meaningful,
Enjoy every second of your life,
Enjoy it as long as you can enjoy it.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Rupster says " About Some Discovery"
I was just browsing through some of my old books and discovered something that I have not touched for a very long time.
Well once upon a time, I USED to write POEMS..Yup you read it right..writing poems was one of my hidden talents that i used to have and now have lost touch with it.
The whole book is almost full with poetries of love and friendship..
Hence, I have decided to share those poetries in this blog. *Just layan the jiwang-ness of it la*
Here goes the first one :
P/S This was among the first few that i wrote. Though it may not sound right but i think for a first time at that time,it was a GOOD JOB :)
Wait for more to come!!!
Well once upon a time, I USED to write POEMS..Yup you read it right..writing poems was one of my hidden talents that i used to have and now have lost touch with it.
The whole book is almost full with poetries of love and friendship..
Hence, I have decided to share those poetries in this blog. *Just layan the jiwang-ness of it la*
Here goes the first one :
For My Lover
Thinking about you,
How you made me feel,
How i feel about you,
And all that you are,
I realized,
All my life,
I have always loved you.
In my dreams you used to be,
That you have come out of my dreams,
And moved into my life,
I realized,
That I've
Always loved you
and that
I always will....
Thinking about you,
How you made me feel,
How i feel about you,
And all that you are,
I realized,
All my life,
I have always loved you.
In my dreams you used to be,
That you have come out of my dreams,
And moved into my life,
I realized,
That I've
Always loved you
and that
I always will....
P/S This was among the first few that i wrote. Though it may not sound right but i think for a first time at that time,it was a GOOD JOB :)
Wait for more to come!!!
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