Yeah as the title says, i had so much fun today after so loong...Well in the afternoon went to my Aunty's house for lunch and its was kindda of a family gathering lah..Than after that went to Mutiara to meet up with Thul's, Slaveen, Geetha and Chuman as well...So we went bowling.Its been a long time since i went bowling and bowling with this people is so much FUN!!! Coz everytime Chuman is there sure main sumpah-menyumpah and for sure sumtimes it does happen..We sumpah pun bukannya teruk sagat all we sumbal is for the ball to masuk longkang only!!As we were playing suddenly there come TANG TING TING (T3)!!Never saw her ever since she came to my house for Deepavali last year!! Well for all the SHIT that shes going through now in life, i feel so dame sorry for her..Well i could tell her is people do change and we have to accept those changes.Just take it as that person is not luck to have a wonder frienship with her..Let the past be the past...We learn a lot from the past and so just let the past be the teacher in our life!!Back to our bowling..we had so much fun..after a long time could kacau Chuman again coz he was always my "good-luck charm" in bowling...but i was always cursing him when it was my turn..hehehehe....Well who am i if i tak kacau him lah..Always had so much fun kacauing him.
Chuman(my kacauing mangsa) and T3..i sajer onli masuk this picture!! So kira enter frame lah...After boeling we wanted to go Titiwangsa for the-halia but ended up at the usual spot which is Uma Rani..Lepak-ed there for some time n talked so much stories!! It feels so GOOD now after having so much FUN today and i always hoped that it will continue!!
The GENG after bowling!!
Pity the Mr Cameraman..So the creadits for this picture goes to him lah since he never made it into the picture..Thanks Chuman!!Signing of at,
11.10 p.m
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