In between all of it, falling sick at that peak period was the worst part of it all! With red eyes and horrible headache, it was unbearable. With that along came fever! There was no way of skipping a trip to the doctor. That alone took a week to recover!
The the usual August 28th celebration was there too. Most of us were vegetarian but yet we went to a normal seafood shop. Food was moderately ok. But the cake was super delicious!
It was also the Hari Raya and Merdeka week towards the end of August. Thus, many people were on leave. It did not feel neither like Hari Raya nor Merdeka. It was just like any other holiday weekend. As an whole, its been a month of time juggling! Lots of activities in store but everything went on fine! It was a great month after a very long time actually. Lots of get together and lots of bonding times as well
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