Finally the driving course has started back! Studied so hard for the computer test that i don't remember studying that hard for school exams! Luckily manage to get through! To process the L takes a bout a week. And by the time the one week was up, it was Penang time. Wanted to start after Penang but fell very ill. So that is still pending! Hopefully it would be done before the semester starts in March!
There's been a few reunion outings too but believe it or not, not much pictures we taken! So there's not really much picture updates for January. Other than that, new electrical equipments had joined the household for this new year. A TV and as well as a oven! Yes! An Oven!
Finally Rupster gets to bake! The baking interest has always been there but just that Rupster never got the chance to do it. Now is the time! So far, it has only been butter cakes. Next on the line would be a Banana cake and cupcakes too. Not forgetting lots of cookies as well!
The first cake turned out to be good. There was a mix of feedback's from those who manage to taste it. Some said the level of sweetness was just nice. Some said not sweet and some said too sweet. While mixing the ingredients the amount of sugar was reduced. But at the end of the day, it depends on each individual on how they like the level of sweetness. For a first try they all said it was good =)
The way the month started, hopefully the whole year would be as such. May be hard to be as such but Rupster will try to make it work out as best as possible.
Let's see what does February has to offer!
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