Well Ruspter was prepared to face it, but as days go by its seems to be very hard. Thank god there are so many other ways of distractions. Rupster has been hooked to games online!!! Sadly all kiddo middo games...hehehe...but at least it is better than nothing.

The trip is just a week away. Nothing has been done yet. So much warnings had been given to start preparing but the "preparing" mode has just not arrive. Lots of things is on the list to be purchased. But no $$$...*sigh*...still have to go dig and scratch every corner of the house to find money and start packing.
Meeting had been held consistently almost every week for the trip. Last Saturday was the final meeting and everything has been finally settled. Cash been paid. Everyone's duties being told and what the DO's and the DONT's through out the whole 10 days.
It is a very packed schedule, but we believe it would be a fun one too. This is because, for a trip, or even a holiday the companionship is very important. But if you are a lone traveler than that's a complete whole different story.
In the case of a group, the companion is very important. It determines the entire whole journey. If a bad one be ready to face havoc all the way. If it was a good one than it would be a total fun experience.
This whole group of 15 of us have been to many trip together. So it could be said we know what to expect and face for the next 10 days. But everything would turn to be good and will turn out to be good =)
p/s this entry started off with some other ranting but ended with some other ranting!!! Emonessssss