The much awaited time of the year by the Indian's finally arrived!

Its finally DEEPAVALI!!!!

This year was one of the most busiest year ever! With assignments all due so close by one after another and at the same time preparing for Deepavali.

But it was a Deepavali to be remembered.

We had our usual do at home.Just that this time we minimized on the crowd but it still ended up to the usual number of crowd. preparation was very tiring. Though Rupster had planned every that needs to be done, but there was always something that cropped at the last minute. Food layout was just like all the previouse year. But this year focus was given more towards the vegetarian variety being it be a Friday.
Surprisingly Ruspter's secret recipe for the drink turned to be the many people tried to find out the secret but NOTHING at all was revealed! All that Rupster said was, "If you want, i could come and mix for you but secret revealing" hahaha *
with the evil laugh*

It was also a mini gathering for the geng. Since everyone was around, we decided to give Chuman a surprise for his Birthday. So it ended up being a 2 in 1 celebration. This time the geng was even bigger. Yup it was like a mini ex SMP-ians gathering.

Deepavali day was the usual routine. Going to the temple, visiting grandma, uncles and aunties. And the visiting session last us for the next 3 days! Also not forgetting the ang pow collection!
Collection was pretty bad this year but it was considered to be good enough! Yeay..a holiday is on the plan!
What was different this year was, on the night of Deepavali day. We headed to Taman Yarl for dinner. It was a very last minute planing but it turned to be the best!
The food was vegetarian as well BUT as usual turned to be so good! Everyone even had to pack back food due too loads of extras and the packed food lasted Rupster's house for 3 long days!

We had tonnes of place to play with all the fireworks we had. And yes, without worrying bout anyone's car or an electric wire was running above us. We were so free to light up whatever we wanted.

Even the oldies joined us this time. It was like we were entertaining them when they decided to bring a long chair to sit and watch the fun! Towards the end, even they joined us playing.

It was nice seeing the whole neighborhood lighted up with the colorful fireworks. And we were glad that we also contributed to the colors!

The next day after Deepavali was also fireworks time!
After a very long time this has been a Deepavali filled with fireworks. It was 3 days filled with fun!
We have also decided to upgrade to the more adventurous type of fireworks for next year's celebration!

It has been a very memorable Deepavali this year! So much had happened and its all been safely stored in the memory box!
It was also a vegetarian Deepavali this time. Though it was vegetarian, the food still turned out to be so nyumness!!!
One thing that was missed out this year is the annual prayers we have for grandpa 2 days after Deepavali in Gombak. All these years, this was the only opportunity where the whole family would gather and end up spending the whole day together. The morning will start with the prayers and lunch onwards it was back to the Deepavali mode. The whole day is spent there and after dinner it used to be fireworks time again.
This year, grandma put a stop to it due to her health. It was a very weird feeling staying at home on this day because we never really was at home every year 2 days after Deepavali. Well, nothing in this world is meant to last forever. There could be another opportunity for all of us to meet up again at any time of the year. Owh and did Rupster mention that this was the day that ang pow collection increases tremendously because everyone is there to give ang pow... hehehe...and so this was another reason why collection was bad for this year.
Other than that the much awaited celebration turned out to be way too good. And the wait has been a very worth while wait.