Friday, 9 January 2009
Rupster says "Wondering"
Its been a great whole week. Rupster has been spending so much time with friends.
Looking back at it,sometimes its just so weired that how people get along. For some it takes a really long process while for some they make it seem to be so easy.
But maybe this year will be a great year to get back all those lost friendships that were not around during school days.
looking back at the saying that at the end of the day the closest friends we would have will be from school day. Sometimes, it does show its logic. so hopefuly things whould stay and last forever.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
Rupster says "Happy New Year 2009"
May this year bring lots of happiness to each and every person in the world created by the ALMIGHTY...
Lets all leave the past and venture into the future that will be installed as each day is born. At the same time use the past as a lesson as we venture the world..
Hence,lets see what Rupster can learn from the whole of 2008.Lets look at a review of 2008
The year stated of with a bomb as usual...started of the final semester with taylors which also meant the last few months at that campus coz Rupster was very sure Degree was no longer going to be there.
As months went on it was getting from bad to worst.As the geng said it was a year filled with so much JIWANGness.

Minus all the jiwangness and looking at the broghter side,2008 has also been a year filled with so many parties!!! Which means its also reunion time!!!
Gathering also means FOOD!!! So much of food tasting has been done and so far it all has been way too good!!!
2008 has also brought in new friendships, old freisndships, and still building the current ones even more much stronger.It was also the year that Rupster finally got to go back to Kuching and atleast meet 2 of the friends there. It was a great trip that would not be forgotten in a very long time. Great experiences that we would not have got if we did not plan to land in that part of MALAYSIA
It was also a year that Rupster got a brand new look =)
As a could have been a BAD year but it was equally a GOOD long year!!!
Lets hope 2009 would bring more cheers and joy to everyone =)