Sunday, 14 September 2008

Rupster says " About D.R.E.A.M.S"

As human beings we always had our own DREAMS on WHAT,WHO,WHY,WHEN and HOW this life will be.

Leave those DREAMS a side.

As human we need to get ENOUGH food as well as sleep.

When we sleep some of us tend to get this picturization in our sleep or better known as DREAM.

"Dreams are the images, thoughts and feelings experienced while sleeping, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and biological purposes of dreams are not fully understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history. " Every dream is connected with your own "reality". "

Do you actually make it a point to wake up in the morning or at the end of dream to think back what has just happened?

Rupster always makes it a point to actually wake up and think back about the dreams. Some of those dreams could be really FREEKY.

It could be eithre be FREEKY,FUNNY or even just a simple dream. People say that dreams could be interpreted in many ways. Even the time of the dream was had also could determine if it was going to become true or not.

Rupster remembers getting dreams that she would never forget for her rest of her life. The list is way too long and its almost very PERSONAL.

However bad or good the dream is Rupster always make it point to call or SMS the person that is some how or rather connected to the dream. Though Rupster has not seen or contacted the person for a very long time, with just a dream that involves t person Rupster makes it a point to do something to make sure the person is OK.

Talking about DREAMS, Rupster had this very long and rather weired dream last night. It could have been WEIRED but Rupster really hopes that, that particular dream will be a reality one fine day *not the whole dream though because its a rather "expensive" dream to happen for real*

Those kind of dreams have been coming up very often LATELY and Rupster wonders if it could be a GOOD or BAD sign *prays it would be good*. If the dream was to happen it should be an ever-lasting thing in LIFE.

Its not that easy to get those ever-lasting things in LIFE but Rupster is sure that the right desicion would be made when the time comes.

Ruspter found this rather intersting web site on dreams. Do drop by and check it out to interprate your very own DREAMS.....

Till the next post, keep having SWEET DREAMS...

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