Yes the Nation finally turned 50 yesterday..I still remember asking my dad a few days back if he remembered the day well and if he did join the celebration.Since he was only 7 years old so all he remembered was everyone was decorating the entrance to the estate that they stayed in. He was not very sure what was going on but he did remember that all the banners read MERDEKA!!MERDEKA!!MERDEKA!!

Talking about the 50th Natioanal Day celebration.

Compared to all the previous years, this year was a much more grand affair. Celebrations was held in the whole country but the focus was in Kuala Lumpur.
As usual our whole geng decided to do something this year since every year we just did a gathering with lots of food an a cake cutting ceremony when the clock struck's 12. This year we decided to join the celebration at Dataran Merdeka.After having dinner we went to the Sentul LRT station and took the LRT to Masjid Jamek. As the LRT was reaching the station, we could see Dataran and the crowd was so dame HUGE!!!! It was worst than Thaipusam or maybe it was becaus ethis was just my first time joining the celebration. It was kindda sad that we could not see what was actuall happening in the field but thank god they had some slide show on all the high raised buildings.
Some of the slide show pictures that i managed to capture
The saddest part was the people whom we saw. It was all practically foreigners. Its not that i am saying we shold not have foreigners but this people were causing so much trouble. They were even fighting among themselves and all the Malaysian's could do was just stand there and watch rather than making the situation even more worst. Thank god the the FRU and RELA people were there to calm things down. Atleast this people (foreigners) were scared of them.
At 12am the flag was raised and Negaraku was sung. After that everyone was jsut waiting for the fireforworks display.We waited and waited. But still no sign of the fireworks to start coz the PM was giving his speech. Finally the fireworks started at 1.10!!
Thank God the it was worth the wait.The fireworks was just so magnificent. No words could explain it.I managed to record a bit only coz i just wanted to see the whole thing in peace!! :p
The Firefowrks Display
As for the day itself i just stayed at home and saw the parade on TV. We were just too tired to wake up so early and go for the parade coz by the day we came back also was about 2 am!! So the whole Merdeka day was spent staying at home being glued to the TV!!
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