2007 has been a very stressful year to me. Frankly i was actually waiting for 2007 to move even more faster than the speed that it was going in.
Well the year started off well but as months went by it become from BAD to WORST!!!
Only God knows on how the hell i manged to face all those shit...
Looking at the brighter side there was also a few HAPPY occasion that took place in the year 2007...Had 2 really fun holidays with my friends. Though there were so much planning but at least the PD and Pangkor trip was a blast of time!! Than the short holiday i had with dad's geng which we never had a outing for a long year.
Than there was all the mamak-ing sessions with friends, 1 dim-sum session,1 session of something that i always wanted to do but never got the chance :)
There was also a few family gatherings on dad and mom's side as well. I think the HIGHLIGHT for this year was the "Surprise English Ceylon Tea Party"(refer to the pictures below) that Prem did for my uncle and aunty's 25th Wedding Anniversary..Being part of the planning was so much fun too!!!
As a conclusion i really hope what ever had happened in 2007 will be left behind rather than brought forward to 2008!!!
GOOD BYE 2007!!!!!