After a very long time, a outing with Sunitha finally took place. Every time we planned, it never happened. This time we made it a point that it was going to happen. Some where in between it almost got canceled but towards the last minute things just fell in to place.
So of we went. Stayed at Bayu Beach Resort. It belonged to someone she knows. The house was fully equipped. The best part was, it was full of pillows! It was like a pillow wonderland. Their set up was also perfectly done,. Simple yet the sense of comfort was there. And of course it was facing the sea!

It was a very relaxing form of time out. We did everything to our pace. Slept and woke up as much as we wanted. So basically all we did was eat,sleep, go out for walks, and watched tv.
Penang was also a good time out. For the first time we flew to Pennag. We stayed in a hotel called EQ hotel. The place was good. Looked like a hostel but it was a hotel. The room and the beds were very comfortable. We traveled around by the Rapid Penang bus. It may sound scarey and tiring but the bus system there was so efficient! Its always on time and the were continuously buses coming all the time.
We did the usual stuffs that Rupster usually does in Penang. Its time to find out for places and activities to do there. Sort of feeling bored of the same routinized activities there. Food also we went back to mostly the same places.
We had char kuey tiow as much as we wanted. Everywhere tasted different. Some were good and some were not. This time Rupster got to play with camera. It was learning to use it ans trying out all the different functions available.
And the journey back ended with a 4 hours bus trip back to KL=)