Sunday, 18 April 2010

Rupster says " About The Burden is GONE !!!"

You know the very light feeling the very relieved feeling when you have got rid of a heavy burden?

Today was THE day!!

Almost everything was set loose once and for all. What needs to be said and told has been done.

It feels very relieved.  Now let anyone say anything and Rupster is NOT going to care! Rupster has never been in the wrong. Just that she believes everything will happen when it has to happen.

So now it has happen. RELIEVED. Rupster has got her life back! Yeayyyy....

Rupster is free again to do what she likes during the holidays. For now its back to classes, assignments and exams!!!

Rupster says " About Waiting"

Its been 2 long months! So long! At times we wonder why time can run so fast and at times we wonder why time is so slow.

Thank god we have technology. Or else what would happen? Its not been that bad though. With so much of assignments to work on, the mind has been constantly been diverted. At times you wished things wasn't that hard to be handled. But than again this is all the learning process.

Distance would always be distance. All we have is technology to shorten the distance.Some people just cant take distance but at times distance is just a way. The longer you wait, the shorter time gets to face it again. So happy waiting!

p/s a non logic entry from non logic person

Monday, 12 April 2010

Rupster says " About Turitin"

The week was suppose to be a mid term break. But it was worst that a normal going to class day! The whole week went by sleepless. Well not really but just a few hours. The shortest was just 4 hours!

It was a assignment and party planning week! And both of these is never easy. Never under estimate both of these. Thankfully, assignment was finished just in time for party decorations time. But Rupster was still not very in the decoration mode, because this particular assignment needed Turnitin.

Turnitin is a software where you upload your assignment, and it would detect the level of plagarism. Even if you never plagarised, somewhere around it there could be a similarity with your work. Yes this software is so cool because it also detects things that you never plagarised it makes it not to be nice. For instance, if you had referanced a book written and there had been another person who had used the book, it indicated you have plagarised.

So all you have to do is register yourself in based on your studying institution and than upload your work. Within less than an hours time your work will be checked and results will be out. If your plagirism level is high, you would need to reedit your work and resubmit again. That again depends on what setting did the tutor had set for the students. 

Thus, after submitting the first draft to Turnitin, it was time to start preaparing for the party. Rupster took every half an hour gap to check her work. It was weired because Turnitin usually sends the report very fast, but that day it was so long. Until it passed mid-night, that when Rupster realised she has been checking the wrong place. Mange to track back the correct place and check the results. 15% of plagarised. Which is very good! Was very surprising but glad it was not that after all. Finally mange to give 100% concentration for the decoration work!

So that was a total of 5 days lacking of sleep but still going strong. Party turned out to be successful after lots of plannings and running about. It was fun and cool too. Now its back to BED before getting started with the remaining assignments in hand!!!!

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Rupster says " About Tobby and Teddy the Two best Buddies"

Its been a while since the last entry of the little cute fella's at home. Cute ar? hehe

At times looking at these two playing around, you wonder why human's don't turn up to be like them. They share their toys, the look after each other, help each other out and play together all the time.When one goes missing, the other would be so restless wondering what had happen.

Its nice to see them play. They share their toys with each other just like how we humans share things with each other. Each of them would get a certain time period to play. Mean while the other would sit and rest or run around minding his own business.


They even share their food. Since both comes from different breeds their food type is also different. But these two just don't care. They help each other out with their food and their huge piece of vitamin too! See this is what they say sharing is caring!

Both may have total opposite charateristics. But the get along so well. One is very the hyper and stubborn. He ones everything around him first. That Tobby. Teddy on the other hand is the cool and calm dude. He waits and takes slow actions. But ones he is in action, he is the hero.

Its been almost 4 months now and both these cuties are growing really fast. One is growing sideways while the other is growing upwards. The pictures says it all!

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Rupster says " About Randomness"

Its been a while since there has been a random entry. Things has been going fine and at the same time not too fine as well. After all what is life without some sugar, salt and pepper. These are the main essence of life. It helps us go through and face things even more boldly. A lesson to be learnt for the future.

At times you do wish things were perfect! But sadly it just can't be perfect. If it's too perfect than that's not the life we are looking for. Just as you think everything is getting okey, something just need to pop out. Just as you think, they have stopped, you are told your thoughts are wrong.

Buy this wrong, buy that wrong. Go here wrong, go there wrong. Talk like this wrong, talk like that wrong. Do this wrong, do that wrong. When there is the permission given, why is it still wrong?

Tell all these cannot, but when want something its all those that you've been cursed about only the want. Not being stingy here but those are essential. You need them. So why bother making all those "dramas"?

Why does it need to be such? Why is there always a fault in all you do? You try to make it perfect but it just is not working out. What more could be done? *sigh*

You wont know about it today. But one day you will know. Rupster may be wrong today, but tomorrow it will be one of the best decision that had been taken. 

At the end of the day, just got to stay put and face it all. All the way. A long way but the conclusion would definitely be good one and will make sure it will be a good one!

Now its back to tonnes and tonnes of assignments! Killer assignments!!! *faints*

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Rupster says " About March"

So month number 3 came and left. Everything seems to be moving by very fast. No one seems to be going slow. Not even Rupster.

March was a month filled with FUN,

March was a month filled with EXCITEMENT,

March was a month filled with  JOY,

March was a month filled with DEADLINES,

March was a month filled with TEARS,

March was a month filled with FOOD,

March was a month filled with MOVIES,

March was a month filled with FAMILY,

March was a month filled with HOME-ALONE,

March was a month filled with OUTINGS,

March was a month filled with SONGS,

March was a month filled with ASSIGNMENTS,

March was a month filled with UNDERSTANDING,

March was a month filled with DISCUSSIONS,

March was a month filled with  STUDYING,

March was a month filled with BUSSINESS,

March was a month filled with TRAVELING,

March was a month filled with MISS COMMUNICATION,

March was a month filled with  POEMS,

March was a month filled with LOVE,

March was a month filled with SURVEYS,

March was a month filled with  PAIN,

March was a month filled with  LUCK,

March was a month filled with DISTANCE COMMUNICATION,

March was a month filled with  BUSYNESS,

March was a month filled with CONFUSION,

March was a month filled with  PLANNING,

March was a month filled with  EXCITEMENT,

March was a month filled with TECHNOLOGY,

March was a month filled with  TIREDNESS,

March was a month filled with SELF- REALISATION,

March was a month filled with  CALMNESS,

March was a month filled with SMILES,

March was a month filled with  LAUGHTER,

March was a month filled with EMONESS,

March was a month filled with COLOURS,

March was a month filled with CRAZINESS,

March was a month filled with  SORRY'S,

March was a month filled with GAMES,

March was a month filled with  BEAUTY,

March was a month filled with SLEEP,

March was a month filled with  CELEBRATIONS,

March was a month filled with MARCHness!!!!!

A great month indeed. Lots of ups and down but an enjoyable month. The curse of March is still there but Rupster believes it has reduced a little. Cant wait for it to go away for good!