So off we all get ready and drove off in the rain. Rupster has been long awaited this day because its been a year since she last saw the nephew whom she was suppose to take "revenge" on.
Why revenge at this very age of his?
Because his dearest daddy bullied Rupster all her life. Yes that includes to this very day!!!
Ruspter still remembers the day Superhero got married and how uncle introduced Rupster to his wife. "This two people are the biggest enemy's that you could see around and at the same be the best of friends". Yes that is how uncle introduced me to his wife.
Pondering back to what uncle has to say today, it very much true. The both of us always would end up fighting for unwanted reason and the next second we would have patched up. The thing is Rupster always remember him as a cousin brother who would be carrying her all the time and I was always sitting on his lap all day long when ever we met.
Rupster never knew the reason why we were that close to each other only until the eve of his wedding about 3 years back. Apparently, Rupster was the only cousin that he had seen on the very first week as she was born. And he was given a total freedom to play with Rupster. And thats how the bonding started.
As years went on,we still got along so well. Though we hardly met, but we always made it up when we met. Even the short trips we made back to their hometown was always so much of fun!
Though we hardly went back there because they were here most of the time, we still make it a point to at least meet up and have a chat. He's always been the one that we went to if there was anything wrong.
*OK too much bout him already..nanti terkembang pulak dier!!!
So,yesterday his junior celebrated his 1st Birthday. And as usual, the whole lot of cousin was there. What happens next when we all meet???
It TOTAL havoc!!!!
This time even the uncles joined in. We were all practically discussing total nonsense all night long!
And yea..there was also a plan for a holiday during the Merdeka weekend. Don't want to say anything about it now. If it does happen in will be in the September entry. But this holiday planning only is between a cousin and his wife. And we named it the "bonding moments"...haha..if were to happen he is soooo DEAD!!!!
The night was so much fun and the last birthday that we created havoc was during Rupster's 21st bash! So it was a long gap in between.
A great night it was indeed with the family!!!
Cant wait for the next session =)