This was in tribute to all the mothers of the family.Every year we make it a point to gather or do something. This year was a outing to Malacca.
Malacca is known to the Malaysians and also to the world as the HISTORICAL city of Malaysia. Thus, you get to see magnificent and accient looking buildings till this very day.So what did we do???
Yes the most important thing in Malacca other than the history and the buildings is the F.O.O.D!!!
Nyonya Asam Laksa
Ais kacang!!!
There is just so much to say but maybe the pictures would help explain more.1 thing is for sure, most of the temples there are so much diffferent from the once we see in Malaysia and also India..the carvings are so different with a combination of culture...
With so much of difference compared to the temple that we see on our daily basis.. taking pictures are always a must because a TOURIST will always be a TOURIST though if he is touring in his very own country...
As the rest..we go around snapping and this was of the greates shot off all of them minus the 2 photographers...
The Dinner
After the whole day visitting and eating all around Malacca town, off we headed to the Portugese Settlement for dinner!!!
*owh and the cute guy is still there and he remembers us too*...hahaha *evil laugh...
All that can be said for dinner is that though it was a very simple dinner but it was the best!!!
It was located along the beach too!!
Fried Chicken
Its been a regular song in this blog on how we the Kandiah grandchildren all grew up under the same roof till the day we started school and some of us still run back there during our University life too.
Well the 4 ladies in the picture above have been part of our lives since the very first day. All four of them have been great mothers not only to thier own children but also to all their nephew and neices.
Its very seldom for us to get all of them out at a time...and this time we made it and maked sure we got all the 4 of them in 1 picture like thier good old days.This time it was just minus another sister who had settled down in the UK..