Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Rupsters says " Shots of Thailand"

 This is the latest hobby that Rupster has acquired. Very interesting but the chance to go out and to take pictures does not come all the time. Thus, when the opportunity comes, it is grabbed immediately.

 Please feel free to drop your comments. After all, this is just a learning process. Who knows one day or rather it may grow to a bigger scale :P

Pictures appeared here was taken during a family trip to Thailand. There are more pictures but these were the few that were selected.

p/s Click on the image for a clear view of the details. 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Rupster says " Something About Making a Difference "

This place keeps going silent and silent. Every time Rupster comes out from silence, there is a promise not top go silent yet still it goes silent. Never got this silent many years back. But 2012 has brought silence to this place where lots of memories is jotted down. Probably is about time Rupster changes the content of this personal page. Days keep getting busy and busy. Though the frequency of being online is still almost the same, but the time needed to sit and type out what's in the mind is just not coming.

Rupster will still continue to post out the ups' and downs of what is going on but no promises with frequent update. This is because currently there is a new passion for photography and editing. Hence most time goes to editing. The peak periods is just after any holidays. Lightroom becomes the second home in the life of technology.

Hence Rupster will be posting up pictures taken to be viewed. Please feel free to drop your comments. Will start posting up pictures as soon as possible =)

Friday, 5 October 2012

Rupster says "About the Silence Agian! "

It;s been another round of silence. Thankfully it was not as long as the previous silence. Finally the laptop is back! Hence, hopefully from now on the updates could get as often as possible.

August and September has been a sickly month! It was all about being sick and trips to the clinics and hospital. Besides that the routine has been the same weekday routine. Early August and end of August had been in the holiday mood. Destinations were Singapore and Penang.

In Singapore the 1 and only place and the main aim was to go to the Universal Studios. It was a very last minute and sudden decision to join the troop that was going. 
Talk a bout being a kid again! That was the experience of stepping foot into Universal Studios Singapore! Almost everyone have the dream of stepping foot to Disneyland  or Universal Studios USA. This opportunity that came to Rupster was first declined but after giving a thought to it, Rupster decided to take up the chance. It turned to be the best opportunity that came by. It turned out to be the best decision ever. The moment we stepped foot at the entrance, we told each other till the moment we step out of this place we are all kids. Indeed we had the best times of our life.

 We had so much fun with the rides and shows though the weather was raining. Besides that, unknowing to Rupster there was a hidden agenda by the friends to surprise Rupster. Apparently there was plans to bring over someone special too! By far this has been the best surprise by him! Never expected to happen! No words can describe the emotions.

With the excitement of being at Universal Studios and the excitement of seeing him it was the the best feeling ever! We took about 800 pictures but than again some of it were just trial shots. It was also another opportunity with play with the DSLR camera.Have a look at the pictures!

 Photos alone will never be enough to explain the fun we had but it is something than nothing! If we had a chance to stay there longer we would have stayed. There was still so much more to explore. We could not explore much due to the rainy weather.

 That's okay. This means that there is definitely a second round to this wonderful place. When we don't know. But we would definitely go back there 1 day in the future!
As for Penang it was back to same familiar areas but with a different co0mpany. :)